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Must– read blogs

For Educators Joy Marchese For Educators Joy Marchese

Investing Time in Student Relationships is Time Well Spent

I get it. As teachers, our schedules are packed. There’s curriculum to cover, tests to prepare for, and a hundred other things on our plates. It’s easy to feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to focus on anything beyond the essentials. But here’s the shift I want to encourage you to make: don’t think of connecting with your students as taking time away from your responsibilities. Instead, see it as an investment in your classroom’s overall success.

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For Educators Joy Marchese For Educators Joy Marchese

From ‘Hello’ to ‘How are you feeling right now?’

Quick check-ins are a moment to slow down, to breathe, and to create a shared experience before the busyness of the day takes over. They offer a chance for each student to share how they’re feeling, what’s on their mind, or something they’re grateful for. It’s about more than just a quick chat—it’s about fostering a sense of belonging and setting a positive, supportive tone that will carry through the entire day.

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For Educators Joy Marchese For Educators Joy Marchese

The Impact of Your First ‘Hello’

Before we can guide our students or address behavioral issues, we must first connect with them on a personal level. Greeting students warmly as they enter the classroom is a simple yet powerful way to establish that connection. It sets the tone for the day, creating an environment where students feel safe, supported, and ready to learn.

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