Embracing Change in a Rapidly Changing World: A Message to the Class of 2024

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you,
pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dear Class of 2024,

Congratulations! You've reached an incredible milestone in an era marked by unprecedented change and challenge.

We celebrate not just your achievements, but your perseverance, your adaptability, and your spirit.

Before you rush ahead to your next adventure, take a moment to express gratitude. Your journey has been supported by your family, friends, and community. You are fulfilling dreams that your parents and grandparents may have only whispered about. You are the embodiment of their hopes and prayers.

Some of you may be the first in your family to graduate. Others might have taken unconventional paths to get here. Embrace your journey, for it is uniquely yours.

You are everything the world needs. Be bold. Be excellent.

There are countless ways to be brilliant. Each of you is born with a unique gift. Don’t let the world convince you that brilliance looks or sounds a certain way.

Spread your gift around the planet in a way that is authentically you. If you feel different or marginalized, build your own stage. Your uniqueness is your strength. Make them see you. Betting on yourself is daunting, but it’s also where true growth happens.

If you've ever been doubted, criticized, or underestimated, you're in good company. Whatever you do, don't let the negativity of people projecting their own self-doubts on you deter you from your focus. Use those criticisms as fuel to drive you forward.

Respect yourself, and the world will respect you.

Success will bring its own set of challenges. There will be times when you feel vulnerable or targeted. Let those moments motivate you. Embrace your vulnerabilities as a pathway to greatness. Continue to grow, learn, and evolve. You are a work in progress, and that is a beautiful thing.

We are in a crucial time in history. The world is unveiling its wounds so we can heal.

Your thoughts, words, and actions hold immense power. They shape not only your future but the future of your community and the world.

You have the potential to lead, to celebrate humanity, and to drive change. Whatever the world looks like in 10 years, in 20 years, part of that is up to YOU! Use this moment to improve yourself in every aspect of your life—professionally, personally, and spiritually.

Remember, you are never alone. Lean on the strength of togetherness. Ask for help when you need it, this is a sign of strength and not weakness.

Don’t just talk about your dreams—live them. Don’t criticize others—be the example.

As Beyoncé wisely put it, "Don't talk about what you're gonna do. Don't just dream about what you're gonna do. Don't criticize somebody else for what they're not doing. You be it, be about it, be about that action and go do it." Stay focused on your goals. Embrace the struggle, for it will only make you stronger.

As you stand on the brink of new beginnings, look back at how far you’ve come. Recognize the impact you’ve already made. Keep pushing forward. Let go of fear and doubt. Keep betting on yourself and investing in your future.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! Your journey is just beginning, and the world awaits the incredible contributions you will make. Keep pushing, keep growing, and never stop believing in your potential.

A special congratulations to my exceptional niece Jillian Melendez who graduated from the University of Delaware this week. I love you and we’re so proud of how far you have come. Can’t wait to see where you’ll go…


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