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Must– read blogs
Keeping Resolutions Alive! Patience Over Perfection
As we continue to navigate the new year, I’m hoping that our little ones are continuing to unleash a flurry of resolutions. Brace yourselves for the "I'll eat all my veggies" and "I'll make my bed every day" declarations.
Setting the Stage for a New Year and New Me
Our children are like little sponges, absorbing everything around them. When they see us getting excited about becoming a "new me," it plants the seed that growing and learning are lifelong buddies. It's not about drastic transformations; it's about understanding that every day offers a chance to be a slightly better version of ourselves.
Starting the New Year Right
Post-holiday blues—the unwelcome guest that sneaks in when the festive lights dim and the cheer begins to fade. But don’t worry, for in the realm of new beginnings, there lies an opportunity to shake off the blues and embrace a fresh start.