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Must– read blogs

For Parents Joy Marchese For Parents Joy Marchese

Fireworks & Foresight

Whether you're hosting a grand family reunion or having a cozy celebration at home, there's no better way to celebrate Independence Day than with delicious food, cherished traditions, and heartfelt connections. But above all, let's make sure we keep safety at the forefront of our festivities.

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For Parents Joy Marchese For Parents Joy Marchese

“Am I Dad Enough?”

Whether you’re a biological father, divorced parent, step father, single father, foster father, and all father figure. As long as you show up, dedicate time and love to your children, and embrace your role wholeheartedly, you will always be enough.

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For Parents Joy Marchese For Parents Joy Marchese

Summer Fun on a Budget

This Summer, don't let money or time be the thing that decides whether or not you will have fun. You can have fun almost in spite of those things if you really put your mind to it.

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